It may be surprising that there are many formats for building your family tree. Below are five of the most common charts that clients request. Ancestor Pedigree Chart, Descendant Pedigree Chart, and the Combination Pedigree. I can build any chart (some examples to the right) specifically built for your needs and what is most important to you in your family history work.
I've also included the Family Group Sheet and the Ahnentfel Chart which are accompaniments to your pedigree charts.
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Ancestor Chart
An ancestor chart records the ancestors from whom you directly descend--those for whom you intend to compile a complete and correct family unit.
Combination Pedigree
Starts with one couple and includes their children, and the direct line of ancestors for each person in the starting couple.
Descendant Chart
A descendant chart (also called a drop-line chart) starts with you or an ancestor or another individual in a family tree and lists all of the descendants of that person coming down through the generations.
Descendant charts often begin with the earliest proven ancestor in a line. These are most often used to chart all the descendants that can be found of a specific ancestor – often an immigrant or the first one living in a specific area or country.
Family Group Sheet
This chart or sheet summarizes your information on a couple and their children. It includes names; dates and places of birth, baptism, marriage, death, and burial; and source citations.
Ahnentfel Chart
Used in pedigree charts and ancestor-oriented genealogy reports, the Ahnentafel numbering system gives unique numbers to the starting person and each ancestor. Double a person’s number to get the father’s number and add one to the father’s number to get the mother’s number.
Ahnentafel means ancestor table in German.

It features a half circle chart with concentric rings: the person of interest is the inner circle, the second circle is divided in two (each side is one parent), the third circle is divided in four, and so forth.

Features an alphabetical list of names and each person’s relationship to a selected individual. Lets you quickly see how anyone in your file is related.

The starting individual appears in the middle with parents and grandchildren above and children and grandchildren below. Best chart for ancestors and decendents.

These timeline charts in Genelines show important milestones over the course of a person’s lifetime. You can add historical perspective by including national and international events.

This chart in Generations uses bars to show each person’s life span so you can see at a glance who was living in a certain year and whose lifetimes overlapped.

A narrative report showing an individual’s descendants arranged by generation using numbers so you can easily trace a family line from generation to generation.
Family Chart Masters
Ancestry Graphics & Printing
Heartland Family Graphics
Web Tree Print
Keepsake Family Trees
My Heritage
My Canvas
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