I've Tested. Now What?
DNA results and your genealogical family tree work together and complement each other to give you the ultimate picture of your family tree. Finding your DNA matches (sometimes called cousins) is a big step forward. You can link your DNA matches to your family tree matches. Decoding your DNA, finding your DNA matches, deciphering what cM's, segments, shared DNA, and all of the data that testing unlocks opens your world to your entire ancestry. Not just the ones that you can find or document.
Concent is very important when working with clients and DNA. You need to know what I will do with your information and I need your permission to use it. Before we begin any DNA project, you will need to sign and return DNA Terms of Service Contract.
To complete the geneaology intake form please click here: Genealogy Intake Form.
Sharing and Getting the Most from Your DNA Results Using Ancestry